energy saving top tips
Jason’s Energy Saving Top Tips

How to get the most out of your heating system.

Energy saving tips and relax on the sofa
Tips from heating engineers for saving energy
Tip for energy efficient boiler
Time and Temperature control of your heating
Control your heating
Powerflush for save money vase
Energy saving tip for radiators
Heating energy saving tip
Worcester accredited boiler installers Lincoln portrait
Gas safe registered boiler engineers portrait
OFTEC registered boiler engineers Lincoln portrait
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Heating engineers saving energy tips

Save Money, Save Energy, Save The Planet

Discover Jason’s top Energy Saving Tips tips for maximising the efficiency of your
heating system.

Reducing your usage doesn’t mean spending thousands, most heating systems are not set up correctly and wont provide the maximum amount of efficiency or cost savings. Jason at J&S Plumbing and Heating can help you gain the most out of your central heating system by offering some simple, effective Energy Saving Tips.

Here at J&S Plumbing and Heating as standard we continuously strive to improve overall energy efficiency for all our customers.

All throughout this page you will see certain words underlined, if you hover over these terms you can see the definitions. These are Jason’s top terms to know when talking about your central heating system!

Understanding the importance of SEDBUK

SEDBUK tells you how efficient your appliances are to run. Appliances with an EPC rating of A will not only require less energy to run, but will also cost less in the long term. Investing in a new A rated boiler will be an investment for your future savings as well as for the sellability and appeal of your home.

A new A rated boiler uses the latent heat produced by the boiler to heat the heat exchanger which in turn provides extra heat to your radiators, therefore less fuel is burned and it costs less to heat your home.

Get in touch with Jason via email to find out what Energy Saving Tips apply to your home's heating system.

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Understanding the importance of SEDBUK- Jason's Energy Saving Tips

Jason’s energy saving surveys means that you will get personalised Energy Saving Tips for your home.

We understand that each and every home is different and that’s why J&S Plumbing and Heating are now offering an energy efficiency survey. We will not only work out the best way for you to save money but we will also help explain exactly what each part of the system does and help you understand your system a lot better.

Energy Saving Tips

Energy Saving Tips

More Energy Efficient Boiler

Upgrade to a More Energy Efficient Boiler

With up to a 12 Year Guarantee on selected Worcester Bosch models.

Modern Boilers can now be
range rated
Range RateA process that involves turning down your boilers maximum output to match your homes requirement.
and can also
ModulateThe boiler calculates the amount of heat needed and only produces what is required.
on heating, this means
your boiler could be using as little as 3kw per hour to heat your home. This will save you money while increasing comfort levels. A new boiler could save you around £580 per year on gas bills*.

Get in touch with us to discuss the most efficient option for your home or use our online quote tool for an instant quote!

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* Estimated saving for a gas-heated detached house in England, Scotland and Wales, when replacing an old G-rated gas boiler, programmer and room thermostat with a new A-rated condensing boiler, programmer, room thermostat and thermostatic radiator controls (TRVs). Savings will vary depending on the size and thermal performance of your home. Source:

Making Better Use of Your Heating Controls

At J&S Plumbing and Heating, we install newly fitted boilers with Smart Controls in order to maximise efficiency as well as guidance on how to utilise them to their full potential. By optimising your heating controls, it is found to add 3% efficiency to your boiler! Ask Jason for more information on this and see how you can save not only money, but also reduce your environmental impact.

Turn Down The Thermostat Energy Saving Tips Turn Down The Thermostat Turning down your thermostat by just 1°C could save you around £105* a year on your energy bills.

*Estimated figures correct as of April 2022

Schedule Your Smart Controls Energy Saving Tips Schedule Your Smart Controls You can adapt your smart controls to your schedule meaning you never have to heat an empty home. Smart
TRV Thermostatic Radiator Valve: a self-regulating valve fitted to hot water heating system radiator, to control the temperature of a room by changing the flow of hot water to the radiator.
can also allow youto heat individual rooms to different temperatures. Get in touch with Jason to find out the best smart control option for your home and lifestyle.
Reduce Your Flow Temperature Energy Saving Tips Reduce Your Flow Temperature We will make sure your radiator, programmer and combi boiler are always set up to run the most efficiently.

PLEASE NOTE: This tip only works on combi boilers

How efficient are your radiators?

Radiators are a key part of your system and making sure they produce as much heat as possible can reduce the amount of work your boiler needs to do. Replacing old inefficient radiators for new
Convection Convection or convective heat transfer: heat transfer, making radiators more efficient.
radiators means
your radiators will get warmer quicker, utilising your central heating system in a much more effective way.

inefficient radiators

Convection efficient radiators
Cool air sinks

Energy Saving Tips - Cold spots on your radiators? Consider Powerflushing

Do your radiators suffer from cold spots? A heavily sludged heating system can increase your bills by as much as 25%. A power flush prevents the build up of sludge, debris and rust meaning your system will run more efficiently and effectively.


Before powerflush


After powerflush
Plumbing and heating dog

To book a powerflush or find out more, get in touch with Jason at J&S Plumbing and Heating.

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Balancing Radiators Energy Saving Tips

Balancing Radiators

Balancing your system is crucial to keep the heat inside your radiators, J&S Plumbing and Heating will use the most up to date technology to balance your system properly and efficiently so that you get the most out of your heating system.

Get in touch with Jason to arrange a home visit.

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Jason’s Top 10 Energy Saving Tips

1. TRV’s help to control the heat around your home and increase comfort.

2. Insulate, Insulate, Insulate! The biggest saving to your home is keeping the heat inside your home by insulating walls and roofs which can help reduce bills and increase comfort levels.

3. Time and temperature control of your heating and hot water using a programmer and thermostats can make a significant difference to your bills. Turning it on when cold and off when hot is not the most efficient way to heat your home.

4. Old inefficient boilers are not only bad for the environment but will also cost around 30% more to run. If you have an old inefficient boiler, then consider replacing it for a new A rated boiler.

5. Replace old inefficient radiators. Old radiators are approximately 30% less efficient to run then newer
convection radiators.
Convection Radiators All radiators are designed to convect but convection radiators are designed to encourage convective heat transfer making them more efficient radiators to install.

6. Power flushing your system can increase efficiency, flow, and heat transfer.

7. Balance your system to provide an even heat across your home.

8. Smart meters can help you to understand your heating and hot water usage and help you reduce your costs by seeing real-time information.

9. Reduce your usage as much as possible by understanding your system and controls and only heating your home when necessary.

10. Get your boiler serviced every year to keep it running efficiently and keep your warranty valid.

We’re Gas Safe Registered & OFTEC Registered

We’re Gas Safe Registered & OFTEC Registered

Always hire a Gas Safe or OFTEC Registered engineer to install, service or repair your boiler.

At J&S Plumbing and Heating we have Gas Safe Registered Engineers as well as OFTEC registered engineers. This means we’re fully qualified to work on any Gas, LPG or Oil appliances throughout your home.

Gas boiler installers Lincoln

Jason’s Terms To Know